To all of our Friends, Colleagues, Clients and Business Partners
Most of you on this email received our March 16, 2020 announcement (below) in regards to the RJR Engineering’s Business Continuity Plan implementation. I realize everyone’s email box is flooded with these updates, but I feel it is an essential time to overcommunicate during these challenging times. I have limited staff from attending any in-person meetings. Myself or Steve Anderson are attending the necessary in-person meetings and ensuring the appropriate health and safety measures are strictly adhered to, as we all have a responsibility and duty to our community.
RJR has been implementing the use of Zoom ( Video Meetings, through which staff and all participants can interact fluidly, review documents together, and share information in a way that is every bit as efficient as in-person meetings.
We want to assure our friends, colleagues, clients, and business partners that we are dedicated to providing the continued level of professional service and support to our projects and team members. With the additional coordination duties and enhanced level of communication, we understand peoples schedules are continuing to be stretched, and stress levels greatly increased.
RJR and our staff will continue to provide necessary support and communication to you, as necessary. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me at 805.755.3950 or at with any questions or concerns.